Most work is open access. If you can’t find/download anything, do not hesitate to get in touch.
Work on music, health and well-being
- Becker, A. S., van der Valk Bouman, E. S., Schaap, J., de Vos, C. C., van Eijck, K., Jeekel, H., & Klimek, M. (2024). A multidisciplinary approach on music induced-analgesia differentiated by socio-cultural background in healthy volunteers (MOSART): A cross-over randomized controlled trial protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications (online first). Link.
- Vandenberg, F., Berghman, M., & Schaap, J. (2021). The ‘lonely raver’: music livestreams during COVID-19 as a hotline to collective consciousness?. European Societies, 23(sup1), 141-152. Link.
- Schaap, J., Vandenberg, F., & Berghman, M. (2020). Balkonconcerten, lockdownsessies en quarantunes: muziek als sociale geleider tijdens de COVID-19-pandemie. Tijdschrift Sociologie 1, 101-114. Link.
Work on music as an occupation
- Polak, N., & Schaap, J. (2024). Write, record, optimize? How musicians reflect on music optimization strategies in the creative production process. New Media & Society (online first). Link.
Work on social inequalities (race/ethnicity, attractiveness, gender) and music
Most of this is based on my dissertation project Elvis has finally left the building? Boundary work, whiteness and the reception of rock music in comparative perspective. In this project, I researched how the divisions that we find in the social fabric of society – on the basis of gender and race/ethnicity – can also be found in how people relate to music genres.
The book can be read/downloaded here:
- Schaap, J., Berghman, M., & Calkins, T. (2022). Attractive People Make Better Music? How Gender and Perceived Attractiveness Affect the Evaluation of Electronic Dance Music Artists. Empirical Studies of the Arts (online first). Link.
- Daenekindt, S., & Schaap, J. (2022). Using word embedding models to capture changing media discourses: a study on the role of legitimacy, gender and genre in 24,000 music reviews, 1999–2021. Journal of Computational Social Science, 5(2), 1615-1636. Link.
- Schaap, J., Van der Waal, J., & De Koster, W. (2021). Black Rap, White Rock: Non‐Declarative Culture and the Racialization of Cultural Categories. Sociological Inquiry (online first). Link.
- Schaap, J., & Berkers, P. (2020). “You’re Not Supposed to Be into Rock Music”: Authenticity Maneuvering in a White Configuration. Sociology of race and ethnicity, 6(3), 416-430. Link.
- Schaap, J., & Berkers, P. (2020). “Maybe it’s… skin colour?” How race-ethnicity and gender function in consumers’ formation of classification styles of cultural content. Consumption Markets & Culture, 23(6), 599-615. Link.
- Bohemen, S. V., Schaap, J., & Berkers, P. (2020). The Sex Playlist: How Race and Ethnicity Mediate Musically “Composed” Sexual Self-Formation. In Popular Music, Technology, and the Changing Media Ecosystem (pp. 115-128). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Link.
- Schaap, J. (2019). ‘Are you at the correct concert?’: The mental weighing of gender and race-ethnicity in rock music reception. Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 22(1), 49-65. Link.
- Schaap, J., & Berkers, P. (2019). De nieuwe Hendrix: Witheid als scheidslijn in de evaluatie van rockmuziek in Nederland en de Verenigde Staten. Sociologie, 14(2-3), 119-145. Link.
- Schaap, J., & Essed, P. (2017). De terugkeer van Alledaags Racisme. Sociologie, 13(1), 93-108. Link.
- Schaap, J. (2015). Just like Hendrix: Whiteness and the online critical and consumer reception of rock music in the United States, 2003–2013. Popular Communication, 13(4), 272-287. Link.
Work on culture and cognition (e.g. Implicit Association Tests)
- van der Waal, J., de Koster, W., van Meurs, T., Noordzij, K., Groeniger, J. O., & Schaap, J. (2024). Advancing stratification research by measuring non-declarative cultural capital: a national population-based study combining IAT and survey data. American Sociological Review, 00031224241261603. Link.
- Schaap, J., Van der Waal, J., & De Koster, W. (2021). Black Rap, White Rock: Non‐Declarative Culture and the Racialization of Cultural Categories. Sociological Inquiry (online first). Link.
- Schaap, J., van der Waal, J., & de Koster, W. (2019). Improving empirical scrutiny of the habitus: A plea for incorporating Implicit Association Tests in sociological research. Sociology, 53(5), 967-976. Link.
Work on metal music production and gender inequality
- Berkers, P., & Schaap, J. (2018). Gender Inequality in Metal Music Production. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing. Download it here:
- Savigny, H., & Schaap, J. (2018). Putting the ‘studies’ back into metal music studies. Metal Music Studies, 4(3), 549-557. Link.
- Berkers, P., & Schaap, J. (2017). From thrash to cash: Forging and legitimizing Dutch metal. In Made in the low countries (pp. 61-72). Routledge. Link.
- Berkers, P., & Schaap, J. (2015). YouTube as a virtual springboard: Circumventing gender dynamics in offline and online metal music careers. Metal Music Studies, 1(3), 303-318. Link.
- Schaap, J., & Berkers, P. (2013). Grunting alone? Online gender inequality in extreme metal music. IASPM Journal, 4(1), 101-116. Link.
Work on video games, role playing and meaning-making
- Schaap, J. & Aupers, S. (2020). Video and Role Playing Games. In: A. Possamai, A. & A.J. Blasi (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Religion, volume 2 (pp. 890-891). Los Angeles, CA. Link.
- Schaap, J., & Aupers, S. (2017). ‘Gods in World of Warcraft exist’: Religious reflexivity and the quest for meaning in online computer games. new media & society, 19(11), 1744-1760. Link.
- Aupers, S., Schaap, J., & De Wildt, L. (2017). Qualitative in-depth interviews: Studying religious meaning-making in MMOs. In Methods for studying Video games and religion (pp. 153-167). Routledge. Link.
- Aupers, S., & Schaap, J. (2015). Beyond belief: playing with pagan spirituality in World of Warcraft. Online-Heidelberg journal of religions on the internet, 7, 190-206. Link.
Book reviews
- Schaap, J., & Daenekindt, S. (2021). The Greatest Hits van de cultuursociologie (maar vergeet de A-en B-kantjes niet). Tijdschrift Sociologie, 2, 7-11. Link.
- Schaap J. (2019). Destined for Greatness. Passions, Dreams, and Aspirations in a College Music Town by Ramirez, M. (2018). Work and Occupations, 46(2), 229-231. Link.
- Schaap, J. (2019). Book Review: Kirsten Dyck, Reichsrock: The International Web of White-Power and Neo-Nazi Hate Music. Volume! The French Journal of Popular Music Studies. Link.
- Schaap, J. (2014). Gebonden aan witheid: witte identiteiten en de onbedoelde (re) productie van racisme. Sociologie, 10(1), 78-83. Link.